Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram - 950 Words
In The Perils of Obedience, Stanley Milgram introduces us to his experimental studies on the conflict between one’s own conscience and obedience to authority. From these experiments, Milgram discovered that a lot of people will obey a figure in authority; irrespective of the task given - even if it goes against their own moral belief and values. Milgram’s decision to conduct these experiments was to investigate the role of Adolf Eichmann (who played a major part in the Holocaust) and ascertain if his actions were based on the fact that he was just following orders; as most Germans accused of being guilty for war crimes commonly explained that they were only being obedient to persons in higher authority. Obedience to people in authority is a deep-rooted trait that we all possess by virtue of our upbringing, and as Milgram put it, â€Å"it is only the person dwelling in isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others†(Milgram 1974). This trait is exhibited every day in family circles, workplace and school. People are most likely to obey instructions from people they perceive their authority to be legal or moral. We see people obeying their pastors, leaders in various societies and other people they see as higher to them; and they obey anything they are being told even if it involves killing another human being. They justify their actions, however wrong, on obedience to authority. After the conclusion of the experiments and itsShow MoreRelatedThe Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram1506 Words  | 7 Pagestotally catch the layman s creative energy as the submission tests led by Stanley Milgram. As one of only a handful couple of mental analyses to have such a consideration getting criticalness, Milgram found a concealed quality of the human mind that appeared to demonstrate a shrouded insane in even the most coy individual. Milgram presents his startling discoveries in The Perils of Obedience. By first investigating what Milgram is endeavoring to find in his examination of acquiescenceis that it isRead MoreThe Perils of Obedience, by Stanley Milgram1499 Words  | 6 Pageswould you follow your direct orders? That is the question that Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University tested in the 1960’s. Most people would answer â€Å"no,†to imposing pain on innocent human beings but Milgram wanted to go further with his study. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum holds a shortened edition of Stanley Milgram’s â€Å"The Perils of Obedience,†where he displays an eye-opening experiment that tests the true obedience of people under authority figures. He observes that most peopleRead MoreThe Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram918 Words  | 4 Pages Stanley Milgram, an American social psychologist, aggrandized many minds as he delved into a very common habit that humans exhibit every day. One could infer that it was his curiosity which prompted him to write on this topic provided that he was born into a Jewish family. This topic is the human behavior of obedience. â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†was written by Stanley Milgram in 1974. This essay is based upon the findings of his experiment he conducted at Yale University in 1961. The objectiveRead MoreThe Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram757 Words  | 4 PagesObedience above all In his article The Perils of Obedience†, Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to determine if the innate desire to obey an authority figure overrides the morality and consciousness that had been already established in a person. After Milgram conducted his experiments he concluded that 60% of the subjects complied to an authority figure rather than their own sympathy. There was additional testing outside the US which showed an even higher compliance rate. Milgram reasoned thatRead MoreStanley Milgram The Perils Of Obedience Summary833 Words  | 4 PagesIn his article â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†, Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to determine if the innate desire to obey an authority figure overrides the morality and consciousness that had been already established in an individual. After Milgram conducted his experiments he concluded that 60% of the subjects complied to an authority figure rather than their own morals. There was additional testing outside t he US which showed an even higher compliance rate. Milgram reasoned that the subjectsRead More The Perils of Obedience by Stanley Milgram Essay812 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†was written by Stanley Milgram in 1974. In the essay he describes his experiments on obedience to authority. I feel as though this is a great psychology essay and will be used in psychology 101 classes for generations to come. The essay describes how people are willing to do almost anything that they are told no matter how immoral the action is or how much pain it may cause.      This essay even though it was written in 1974 is still used today because of its historicalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram1489 Words  | 6 Pagesabuse inflicted on them by the prison guards (Zimbardo 116). In â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†Stanley Milgram writes about a controversial experiment in which he requests volunteers to assist him in shocking participants who answer incorrectly to certain questions on the opposite side of a wall. The shock that the volunteers believe they are administering could cause great harm or even be deadly to the participants. After Milgram conducts the experiment, he concludes that normal people are capable ofRead MoreA Critique Of Stanley Milgram s The Perils Of Obedience 1064 Words  | 5 PagesKarsten Piper Due Date: 6/27/15 A Critique of Stanley Milgram’s: â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†Stanley Milgram’s article, â€Å"The Perils of Obedience,†first appeared in the December 1973 issue of Harper’s Magazine. In the article, Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, presented the thesis that â€Å"Obedience is a deeply ingrained behavior tendency , indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy and moral conduct .†To prove his point, Milgram conducted a series of experiments at YaleRead MoreAnalysis Of Stanley Milgram s Perils Of Obedience Essay1709 Words  | 7 PagesStill, many questions still remain prevalent as to how an individual reaches his or her decision on obedience in a distressing environment. Inspired by Nazi trials, Stanley Milgram, an American psychologist, questions the social norm in â€Å"Perils of Obedience†(1964), where he conducted a study to test how far the average American was willing to for under the pressures of an authority figure. Milgram s study showed that under the orders of an authoritative figure, 64% of average Americans had the capabilityRead MoreAnalysis Of Stanley Milgram s The Perils Of Obedience 2023 Words  | 9 Pages Essay #4 – Obedience and Defiance Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted an experiment, which later wrote about it in â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†in 1963 to research how people obey authoritative figures and what extent a person would go inflicting pain onto an innocent person. The study involved a teacher (subject), learner (actor), and an experimenter (authoritative figure). The teacher was placed in front of a control panel labeled with electrical shocks ranging from
Monday, December 16, 2019
Family First Alert Free Essays
Family First Alert llc†, which is a company that supplies alert buttons and the service of monitoring those buttons for the elderly. At the time of this printing â€Å"Family First Alert llc†has been in business for eight years servicing and taking care of literally hundreds of elderly people. Dan has always cared deeply for older people and wanted to do something that would help them and make a difference in their lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Family First Alert or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many of the people that have and are currently clients of his company have written many letters thanking Dan for the service and the quality that they receive each month. When Dan started the company he did so because his own mother was in need of that type of service and the family had checked into different companies that offered the service, but were just not completely satisfied with everything they had found. This is when Dan decided to research the industry and learn all that he could about how it worked and how it could be improved on. This was the birth of â€Å"Family First Alert llc†. Dan not only wanted to make a quality service, but he wanted to make it affordable as well to those that needed it. This is why â€Å"Family First Alert llc†has never raised their prices from the time they started to present day. Dan boast’s the lowest price in the industry today for the same service as the many other companies and is very proud of that claim. You can follow â€Å"Family First Alert llc†on the net at www. familyfirstalert. com or on Face book as well. Introduction: When I was born, my mother and father were forty and forty one years old. They were wonderful parent’s and they raised my brother and sister and I with much love and care. They were there for us whenever we needed them and for whatever reason. Whether it was financial support or moral support they never failed to be there for any of us. We weren’t by any mearns financially well off, my father owned a hardware store and my mother was a secretary for the board of education. It didn’t matter to them though, because their kids always came first and if we needed something, they would find a way to get it. I remember one time my father coming home with a flu gal horn in his hand for me. I asked him where he got it and he told me that he had traded it for an antique ax and $50. 00. He didn’t have the money to go buy a new one, but he was willing to sacrifice something that he cared about for something he cared more about, Me. He loved collecting antiques and the ax was one of his collectables. This was a common thing in our household. I remember growing up having older parent’s than most all of my friends. This was a real worry for me as a kid and when they started to get older and have some health problems my fears became a reality. I always told my mother who lived to be 86 that she would never have to worry about going into a rest home, that I would take care of her and she could always come live with me and my family. My father died at the age of 63 after having heart problems from what I feel was a result of a life of smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. As I said before, my parent’s were wonderful parent’s and took care of us as best as any parent’s ever could. It’s funny how things go full circle in life. Your parent’s take care of you and worry about you when your young and then it’s your turn to return the favor in their later years. Because of their love for me and the love and respect that I had for them, I had always felt a responsibility for them and would do whatever I could in their later years. This article is an attempt to try to help others that are going through what my family and I did while taking care of our elderly parent’s. I will attempt to go through some different stages that will hopefully help ease some of the burdens that you may face. I hope you will find the following information in someway helpful. As Time Begins to Pass, Driving Can Be A Challenge: When our parent’s begin to hit those later years it can be somewhat like walking on eggshells. You might start seeing some small things that concern you, but try not to blow them out of proportion. They might be still driving their car and the thought might come to you to ask them to stop driving or you might even be so bold as to take their keys from them. This is where many children make a big mistake. Remember, it is very important for the elderly to be able to maintain self worth and dignity in their later years. Having a son or daughter tell them what to do or what not to do can really hurt their feelings and cause a lot of problems. It’s easy to understand this concern if the paren’t has had some accidents or is not able to drive safely where they might be a risk to themselves or others on the road, but if this is not the case, respect them enough to allow them to have input into what they are wanting to do. The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel published a very good article online on December 26, 2012 where they outlined many good and useful tips for older drivers and their families. They stated that it’s important to help older drivers stay safe behind the wheel for as long as possible. Adult children can help aging parent’s regularly maintain their vehicles. And if it’s time for a new car, adult children can help identify choices with new technologies that can enhance safe driving, like reverse monitoring systems. Older drivers can brush up on their driving skills with AARP Driver Safety’s course, which is specifically designed to help people 50 and older refresh their driving skills. Family members should observe an older loved one’s driving by taking a ride as passenger and keeping an eye out for warning signs. It’s important to look for changes in driving abilities. These signs include: – Frequent â€Å"close calls†or near-crashes. ?- Unexplained dents or scrapes on vehicles, fences, mailboxes, garage doors, etc. ?- Getting lost, even in familiar locations. ?- Difficulty seeing or following traffic sig nals, road signs and pavement markings. ?- Slower responses to unexpected situations, trouble moving the driving foot from the gas to the brake, and confusing the two pedals. ?- Misjudging gaps in traffic at intersections or on highway entrance and exit ramps. ?- Experiencing road rage or inspiring it in other drivers. ?- Easily becoming distracted while driving. ?- Difficulty turning around to check the rear view while backing up or changing lanes. – Receiving multiple tickets or warnings from law enforcement officers. ?Third, if you notice a pattern of warning signs and an increase in frequency, then it’s time to initiate a conversation. â€Å"It’s important that the right person initiate the conversation,†says Jodi Olshevski, a gerontologist and assistant vice president at The Hartford. â€Å"Research indicates that 50 ppercent of married drivers prefer to hear about driving concerns from their spouses first, then doctors and finally adult children. Whowever initiates the conversation should have a sthrong rapport with the older driver. †?Avoid bringing up the topic of driving during family gatherings. Instead, look for a quiet, private time when all parties involved will have privacy and minimal distractions. If the case is serious and they should not be behind the wheel then sit down with them and discuss it in a very loving way and try hard not to talk to them in a demeaning way. Remember, they have lived along time making their own decisions and have done pretty well on their own. They deserve to have your respect as they always have. Many times just sitting down with the elderly paren’t and discussing your concerns and worries and why you feel the way you do, will allow them to look at things in a different way. Remember, they loved and took care of you for a long time and they cared about how you felt and I’m sure they still do. If you truly show your love and concern for them as you speak to them, showing them respect and dignity, they might surprise you and see things more your way. Young or old nobody likes to be told what they are going to do. Often, if your concerns are put to them as â€Å"What do you think about this mom†, or â€Å"Dad, don’t you think it would be better if we did this†, they would be more excepting of the suggestion and not be as defensive. If the situation is serious and they will not listen after all you have done, it might require a more drastic approach. I feel that it is very important to hold the relationship between our parent’s as most important. Having said that, you may not agree with the following tactic, but it may very well solve the problem. If I knew that my mother was dangerous on the road and that her well being and the well being of many other innocent people were at risk, I might be so inclined to contact a police officer friend or just talk to one about your concerns. I might explain to the officer that I feel that my mother could be a danger on the road and would he be willing to keep an eye out for her and see what he thinks. This is more easily done in smaller towns and communities but if you have that luxury, it might be worth your wild. I’m not an advocate for telling you to be dishonest to your paren’t or sneaky, but we are talking about their well being here. Sometimes the less you say can be the best, if you know what I mean. If the officer feels that she is unsafe in her ability to continue to drive then he can take the needed steps on his end. This will accomplish the goal of her safety and also help you save face in her eyes as well. I do feel that you must be prepared to take up the slack in the event they voluntarily retire the keys or if they are taken by other mearns. If they lose their ability to move around that they have enjoyed for many years, this is going to be a life-changing event. As their offspring, we’ll need to be sensitive to this and be willing to make arrangements for them or be willing to transport them ourselves. Depending on the number of siblings we have and the availability of each, we can have a family meeting and work out who could be responsible for what week or what day or what church meeting or what ladies or men’s organization we would be able to drive them to. I would suggest that the paren’t not be in attendance at this meeting. I remember times when my own family meetings were taking place and my mother was sitting there. Every once in a while there would be a conflict amongst us siblings with who could or couldn’t do what and my mother would just get frustrated and speak up and say, â€Å"Just forget it, I don’t need it†, or something like that. These types of situations can really hurt the paren’t in so many ways. Most of all it makes them feel as though they are burdensome and can start them on a path of depression. Depression is a whole other issue that we will deal with later, but it is very serious. We never want our loved ones feeling in anyway that they are a burden. I always tried my best to let my mother and father know how much I enjoyed being there for them. I’m not saying that every moment was a vacation, but for the most part, I did enjoy being there for them and seeing the gratitude in their eyes. The paren’t doesn’t need to be in the meeting anyway to solve logistical issues of who is going to transport and when or who is going to stay and what night. The paren’t doesn’t need to be in on who will be taking care of getting the medicines ready each week. They just need to know that they don’t have to worry about it. The less they worry the better off they are. Bottom line is, work around them and make their lives easier. Business Affairs And The Elderly: There are many things to think about when it comes to taking care of business concerns. Taking charge of making sure the paren’t’s bills are taken care of is a huge worry off their minds. It’s important to know where all the legal documents are and just what there is to take care of. Make a list of all bills that need to be taken care of and the addresses to where the payments need to be sent. Check to see if there’s any balance on any of the accounts. Find out if there is any extra bills that are not utility type bills such as, monthly donations or Christmas club dues, or maybe they are sponsoring an over seas child each month. Evaluate at this time, (with the paren’t) if the budget can continue to fund these things. In today’s world the task of taking care of the monthly bills is getting easier everyday, with the use of the internet. By going online, most bills can be paid on a monthly basis now with very little effort. This will most likely have to be set up for them being as though most elderly people are not internet savvy. I would also recommend if possible in your area, to have your paren’t’s utilities put on a budget with utility companies. This will allow them to make easier payments and free up some of their capitol for other uses. Bills that are not reoccurring, like groceries, getting their hair cut or that weekly massage, will have to be taken care of the old fashion way, just do it for them. When it’s time to get groceries, go for them or have someone go, or if they feel they want to go, go with them. This is another example of allowing them to hold onto their dignity longer. Tell them, you love going to the store with them and ask them not to take that pleasure away from you. This gives them another example of your love for them and also allows them to get the help they need with getting the groceries. It may be a smart business move to put any large assets such as vehicles or the family home place and property into the names of all the children. It could probably be a smart move to talk to a lawyer that deals with estate planning who also offers Medicaid planning services in case you paren’t might need government assistance with in the next three years. Often, if a paren’t has to go t o a rest home facility and they have much in the way of assets, they might find themselves in a bad financial spot, which could effect their forfeiting their property. Transferring assets may also put those that are receiving such property, eligible for being taxed on it. These are important things to think about and should be discussed with a qualified lawyer. Someone will have to agree to take on the position of power of attorney. If there’s only one child involved the decision is easy, but if there are more it can become a little bit troublesome. If your paren’t has already decided which child this duty will fall to, do them a favor and respect those wishes. This is something that is probably going to be worrisome to them anyway. They will most likely worry that they may be hurting some ones feelings. Do all that you can do to let them know that you support what they have decided. It can be a lot of work being the person with power of attorney or the executor of the will. This person has to be willing to do the paper work and the research of assets if it is unknown. This person also bears the burden of making the final decision on most all the legal decisions to be made. If you’re not the one chosen in the family to do this job, please be patient with the one that is and show them your support. Usually, it is customary that the person doing this job is compensated by at least $5000. 00 for taking it on. This should not be a source of contention between siblings because the job will require much work to do it right. My sister did it for our family and did it very well. She is the one that found the extra money that we (and our mother) didn’t know she had. She spent many hours on the job and did it graciously. She didn’t take a penny extra for it and that was an honorable thing to do if you’re so inclined to do so. It is also recommended that once the power of attorney has been decided on, to also have detailed in a document that names a second person who will take a look at all the bank statements on a monthly basis and do an analysis of all the financial records yearly. This person can be another family member or a professional accountant. It’s also important to try to find extra money for a later time. Using financial tools such as reverse mortgage can improve the cash flow of the elderly. Checking for benefits that your parent’s might be eligible for such as a reduction in their heating bills or help with their prescription drugs can really make a difference. There are many avenues to get help out there but actually only about half the people who qualify for such help actually use it. When making purchasing or financial decisions on behave of your paren’t, it is also wise to consult with other siblings if there are any. Don’t make the mistake of making an important, or even a not so important decision without consulting the family involved. This will only open your self up to problems down the road. Someone will always have a different way to have handled it and will tell you about it. When you are in charge of the bills and the worries that come with it, the last thing you want to hear from a sibling is that you didn’t do it the right way or that your decision wasn’t done fairly. Look ahead and prepare in advance. Even the closes families have issues over money. Don’t be so naive as to think that yours will not. When you have done all that you can do to make the decision and the family can’t seem to come to an agreement on something, then it is your job as the executor or power of attorney to make that decision and everyone should support that decision, even if they don’t agree to it. The only other thing that you can do it to agree on (with the paren’t) another non bias person, sort of a mediator to make any decisions that are in dead lock. This way no family member can be upset with any other family member. All these issues need to be understood and worked out well in advance so that there is no questions or misgivings later. It wouldn’t even be a bad idea for all family members to sign an agreement stating that they understand the way that procedures will go forth and they will abide by them. Of course, if the paren’t is still healthy and able to make clear decisions, they are the ones that should set for the procedures and how things will be handled and they will be the ones having everyone else do the signing of understanding. Assets: It’s important to make sure the family knows just what the assets are. I know before my mother passed away, she was very worried that there wouldn’t be enough money to take care of everything. We were concerned that we wouldn’t have enough money to pay off her bills and pay for her arrangements. This was something my mother should never have spent anytime worrying over, but she did. After her death, my sister was going through some of her documents and found that she actually had much more money than she herself was even aware of. My father had investments in stocks and bonds that she didn’t even know about. My brother and sister and I ended up with much more inheritance than she ever knew. It saddened us all to think our mother worried so over this and didn’t have the peace of mind of knowing everything was going to be ok. If there had been some way that she could have known this before, if we would have just taken the time to find out before hand. Worry is hard on the elderly and knowing that she did so was upsetting. Find out what there is and what will be needed. Plan ahead for that time when you will need to know. Financial Help: Many Elderly are living on a very fixed income and can’t afford much in the way of extras. They must budget their income very carefully and some struggle to the point that they give up many things they really need. If your paren’t is in a ssimilar situation and you or another family member aren’t in a position to help much, all is not lost. There are many programs available that could be of some help. Arrangements should be made early on for those times down the road where you paren’t will most likely need some sort of services to help them get by. These types of services will most likely be that of some type of in home care such as health care, or some other type of service. These types of services usually can run upwards of 19 dollars an hour. For many elderly, this can add up to draining their nest egg pretty quickly. Plan far enough ahead that this situation will not come as a major shock to both their finances and there emotional well being. The local Social Services organization is a wonderful resource that should be tapped into. This organization has government funded grants and monies to help. If you contact them and explain your situation with them, very often they will be able to help in some way. Another fine organization is the Area on Aging services and the Community Action group that also can be of great help. They to have monies allocated from the government for helping the elderly. Local branches of the American Red Cross provide Americans with help paying electric and heating bills. Often these particular organizations are given a certain budget that they have to last for a certain quarter or even on a yearly basis, therefore, it is important to contact them as soon as possible to be able to receive such funds. These two organizations would definitely be a good place to start when looking for some assistance. Many utility companies across the country offer support and assistance to Americans to help them pay their electric bills. Sometimes the utility companies will out source the administration of the program to the United Way. By contacting the local United Way office, you can see if they are aware of any assistance or support provided by any of the utility providers. The Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance and cash grants to people who need assistance with paying hospital and medical bills that result from a cancer diagnosis. There are several programs that offer discounted and free prescription meducations. They include Dispensary of Hope, Together RX Access, NeedyMeds, and the Patient Advocate Foundation. The Meducations: I would first recommend that whowever is in charge of getting the meducations ready, get a weekly pill container to put them in. They even have these for the whole month if you want to do it that far in advance. This helps you organize the pills and keep track of them more efficiently. If the paren’t is still seeing that they take the pills each day, these little containers also help them not to take their meds twice, thinking that they might not have. If the pills are gone, they know they have and if the pills are still in the container by evening, they know they forgot to take their meducations and can still do so. The responsibility of taking care of the paren’t’s meducations can be very nerve racking, at least for me it was. Even when using the pill containers it can still be a difficult task. I think there was only a few times that I didn’t make a mistake while getting them ready for the week. I recommend after all the pills are in the container, that you to take the extra time and go back and check each container for the correct dosage. It’s better to be safe than sorry as they say. I remember when I was doing this job for my mother, it proved to be a very nerve racking job each week. It’s also very important that you stay up on refills so that you don’t get caught without a meducation during a weekend or a holiday when it might be difficult to get one. The pill containers seem to help with this as well, because you can see just when you’re getting low and when you need a refill. Do yourself and your paren’t a very valuable favor by doing some of your own research on the meducations that they are on. Don’t always trust the doctors, they see thousands of patients during the week and may not be taking the time to always look and see if something they are prescribing is going to conflict with something else that they are on. This has happened more times than any doctor would like to admit. My own mother was on sixteen pills a day towards the end of her life and at one time wasn’t making a lot of sense with her words. At first, we thought she was just going down hill health wise and that maybe she was getting Alzheimer’s or something worse. She got to the point that she had to be put on Hospice care and was taken off most of the meducations and miraculously regained her clear thinking within just a few short days. This led to her being taken off Hospice care altogether. This was an eye opener to my family that many of the elderly are over medicated in today’s society. â€Å"Sometimes, less is more†, is really true. Any quick search on the internet these days can tell you what any drug’s side effects are and in many cases you might even be able to find out what drugs shouldn’t be taken with certain other drugs. It’s just good to be educated on what is going on because no one is going to care as much for your loved one as you are. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend you make a very clear typed page that shows all the meducations that your paren’t is on and how often they take each one. I would make several copies of this document for family members to have. It’s a great idea to place one of them on the refrigerator, so that if an ambulance is ever dispatched to the home, it is in plain site for them to take it with them when transporting. This will alleviate much confusion on the way to the hospital and even after they arrive. Listed on this paper along with the meducations that they are taking, it is important to list any allergies or specific problems that you would want the ambulance crew to know about. The hospital will thank you as well, because they to will have to know this information once your paren’t arrives and is diagnosed. Many meducations can cause the patient to be less alert and therefore more prone to falls. Some of these meducations can be sedatives, anti-depressants, and anti-psychotic drugs. People that are taking multiple meducations are at greater risk of falling. Know the side effects of all the meducations that you are taking. Most pharmacists these days include a brochure with the side effects for you to read when dispersing the meducations. Fall Prevention And The Home: The most common reason for injuries to the elderly are due to falls. Falls account for 70% of the cause of accidental deaths in America for elderly persons seventy-five years and older. More than 90% of hip fractures occur because of falls. One third of community-dwelling elderly and 60% of nursing home residents will fall each year. There are many reasons that an elderly person will take a fall and because of their age it can be a devastating experience and in some cases even result in death. I remember once staying ith my mother for the evening and she got up to go to the kitchen and the next thing I heard was a terrifying crashing sound. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen with fear in my heart and found my mother on the floor. It really scared me, but luckily she was not hurt to badly, except for a few scrapes here and there. As I help ed her up I felt guilty for not jumping up as soon as I saw her going to the kitchen. The thought that I could have moved faster and gotten whatever it was that she was wanting and prevented her fall was all I could think of. Then I realized if I had not been there at all, she might have been confined to the floor for several hours. Not that this eased my mind that much, but it did open my awareness to how quickly something like that can happen. I felt blessed that she had not gotten hurt any worse. There are many things to consider when making a home Elderly proof. Just like making a home child proof, there are things that need to be done for the elderly. One of the biggest issues that the elderly have is that they have a high risk of falling. You can alleviate some of this worry by making sure the following is taken care of. Is the home setup in a safe way for the family member? Are there things that can be done to the home to ensure that it’s a safe environment? It’s a good idea to include anti scald devices for showers and faucets that protect older skin. The skin of an elderly person can sustain serious burns much easier than a youthful person. Take the time to set the water heater to the â€Å"low†setting or at 120 degrees. My mother was having trouble getting in and out of her bathtub and we were afraid that she might take a bad fall in doing so. We decided to tear out the old tub and install a walk in shower unit. This way she could just step into it and sit on her shower seat. We found out later that this was a very smart move because of the fact that several weeks later her sugar level dropped and she passed out and laid in the shower for over three and a half hours with the water still running on her. If she would have still had her tub, she might have drowned. Many elderly over the age of 65 have a fall each year. Most of the time these falls occur right in their own home while doing the things they have done for years. Here are some quick things to think about that I have come across in trying to help prevent a loved one from a serious fall. * Make sure all rugs are secure. * Get rid of any throw rugs that are present. * Do away with any slippery surfaces that might be a hazard to walk on. * If the loved one is bound to a wheel chair or uses a walker, or any other walking aid, make sure the pathway is clear enough for them to pass through without being a fall hazard. It’s sometimes a good idea to install handrails on both sides of the steps for better support. Many have even installed handrails in hallways to help prevent falls. * Make sure appliance cords are out of the way. Especially telephone cords and electrical cords. * Arrange furniture so that you can easily move around it. * Make sure furniture is easy to get in and out of. In some cases, purchasing a lift chair might be required. I would recommend shopping around when looking for these because there can be pretty big differences in price and quality. * Remove caster wheels from furniture. * Use a television remote control and a cordless phone. Avoid using floor polish or wax in order to reduce slick surfaces. * Keep commonly used items within easy reach. * A higher toilet seat can be very helpful to the paren’t as well. These help by allowing the paren’t to sit up higher and makes it much easier to get up from. * Put in a bedside light with a switch that is easy to turn on and off or a by a touch lamp. * Locate a telephone within the reach of the bed. * Adjust the height of the bed to make it easy to get in and out of. * Have a firm chair, with arms, to sit and dress in. * Install night lights where walking will be required. * Keep things off the floor that would create a haz ard for walking at night to the bathroom. As mentioned before, a tub seat is a very safe way for the paren’t to take a shower. These can be picked up in pharmacies or medical supply stores. * Add a nonskid mat to the bathtub. * Mounting a liquid soap dispenser on the bathtub wall will help prevent falls from trying to pick up fallen bars of soap. * Install a portable, hand-held showerhead. Physical Aactivity is very important: Up to 75% of elderly folks are not getting enough exercise in their lives. Regular exercise has so many health benefits in older adults when it comes to blood pressure, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lipid profile, and neurocognitive function. Improvements in cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine, and psychologic health are well documented. Regular exercise has proven to help improve the quality of sleep, cognitive function and even helps with depression and short term memory. Probably the biggest effect that exercise has on the elderly is they gain much in the way of m How to cite Family First Alert, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Business Law Reasons Employees Act
Questions: 1.Why did Isabel Arnett make the business decision that she made? Justify your answer. 2.This scenario illustrates one of the main reasons why ethical problems occur in business. What is the reason? 3.Would a person who adheres to the principle of rights consider it ethical for Arnett not to disclose potential safety concerns and refuse to perform additional research on Kafluk? Why or why not? Give reasons.4.If Kafluk prevented 50 Asian people who were infected with bird flu from dying, would that change the ethical consideration in this scenario? Why or why not? Give reasons. 5 Did Tamik or Arnett violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in this scenario? Why or why not? Justify Answers: 1. unethical behavior and decision are result of three factors that is individual factors, issue specific factor, and environment factor. Individual factors mean those employees who have authority and they act unethically just to avoid punishment. These individuals manipulate other peoples for their personal gain, and do not consider the outcome of their actions. These peoples feel that ethical policies are followed as per circumstances (NBS, 2010). In the present case, Isabel Arnett try to bribe the families of those childrens who commit suicide because of effects of kafluk, and she denied for further investigation regarding this matter in the company. She took this decision to avoid the conflict and future punishments. 2. there are number of reasons behind unethical behavior by society, and some of these reasons are: Personal- the biggest reason behind unethical behavior in the business are the own personal ethics of individual. If person feels free to speak lie with family member, then he did not think once before telling lie to their business colleagues. Business culture- there is companies which focus on economic benefits, and they are willing to make financial profits and did not feel shame in making any unethical decision for earning an extra penny. Power- when individual receive power they had before, then it become difficult for them to handle that power and they start making unethical decision to maintain that power (Whiting, n.d.). 3. Ethical decisions are important for the company, and get number of benefits for the company who follow ethics. Decisions of the company are made by the individual and groups but whoever makes these decisions is influenced by the culture and norms of the company. In the present case, decisions took by Isabel Arnett is not good for the reputation of the company. Unethical behavior, decision or lack of corporate social responsibility may provide short benefit in present but its not good for the reputation of the company in the long run. Such ethical practice does not even attract stakeholders of the company, and this will result in loss of profit to the company (Business case studies, n.d.). 4. there are some decisions which have different effects on individuals. Some gain from that decision while some paid for that decision. It has both good and bad effects on individual. Utilitarianism is one of the most common approaches for making ethical decision, and according to this approach decision is ethical if it results in more good and less bad. This approach is considered while taking decision for large number of people. In the present case, if kafula save 50 people from dying then this decision is considered ethical decision because it done more good than bad (Brown University, n.d.). 5. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 was enacted with the purpose of making it unlawful if any person makes any payment as bribe to the government officials for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977, n.d.). In the present case, Isabel Arnett tries to make payment to the Japanese families and not the government officials. Therefore, they did violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977. References: NBS, (2010). 3 Reasons Employees Act Unethically. Retrieved on 1st December 2016 from: https://nbs.net/knowledge/3-reasons-employees-act-unethically/. Whiting, B. Causes of Unethical Behavior in International Business. Retrieved on 1st December 2016 from: https://study.com/academy/lesson/causes-of-unethical-behavior-in-international-business.html. Business case studies. Ethical business practices. Retrieved on 1st December 2016 from: https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/cadbury-schweppes/ethical-business-practices/the-importance-of-ethics-in-business.html#axzz4Rfa9AOWi. Brown University. A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions. Retrieved on 1st December 2016 from: https://www.brown.edu/academics/science-and-technology-studies/framework-making-ethical-decisions. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977-overview.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Problems of Reading and Literacy
Abstract The proceeding is a review of ten current articles on reading and literacy. The research paper contains an introduction, review of the articles and a conclusion which summarizes the articles. The paper contains a detailed definition of reading and literacy and how the two interrelate.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Problems of Reading and Literacy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ten summarized articles focus on how various factors affect literacy and reading across the society. Several corrective measures are proposed in some articles on how to cope up with the challenges of literacy. It is realized that deficiency in literacy is common to all age groups and segments of the community. Introduction The two terms, literacy and reading, have been used interchangeably in some settings. Literacy is described as one’s ability to read and consequently write. In depth, it refers to the abil ity to recognize, comprehend, infer, craft, commune, work out and use written and printed materials connected with changeable contexts. Reading is the art of decoding and cognition of symbols with an aim of constructing or deriving a meaning. It also refers to the technique of language acquisition for communication and for sharing ideas. Reading requires a continuous process for proper development and fine-tuning so as to gain proficiency in the act. Summary of Articles Beverly’s article outlines the use of phone text messaging among British children especially the abbreviations and language used. Texting has no negative effect on the literacy or language development as being speculated. Language development depends on the age at which the child receives mobile phones. Those who posses phones at an early age do many texting, thus developing literacy, as opposed to their fellows who do not have phones. Acquisition of texting knowledge is significant in the development of liter acy profile in a child (Beverly Clare, 2009). The ability to select and use various words and when to use them gives children metalinguistic and linguistic acquaintance. It was evident that text messaging does not have any negative impact on the reading and literacy. Texting instead increase the pace at which the two can be acquired and internalized. In as much as this mode increases of learning, the question remains on how text messaging among the preteens affects their grammar.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second article explores the long-term impacts of opting for early comprehension interventions. Children who do not know how to read in their year one in school will continue to fall behind their peers, thus requiring the need for recovery reading and phonological training are recommended. The survey explored how different models of interventions may be effective i n children with difficulties in reading. The two interventions include recovery reading and explicit phonological training. It is clear that the two interventions had significant improvement in a child’s reading in the medium and short term. Recovery reading had more impact than phonological training though the later had a strong impact in improving the spelling. Children who read not only learn letters and words but also learn how to use them in the text (Jane Kathy, 2007). Those who are able to pas this stage usually gain independence in reading and are able to recognize and correct mistakes on their own. The lessons of reading recovery enable children to become self-mentor. It should be realized that the two methods do not have long-term effects; therefore, other tactics like child enjoyment, home encouragement are critical in ensuring improvement in reading among children. Christine and others examined how social network sites (SNSs) affect the lives of teenagers in high school in terms of reading, literacy and the social life. The current technologies like wikis, blogs, online games; social networking and so on have changed literacy. The technology changes how people communicate information, compose, listen, view, write and read. Networking sites creates relationships, accomplish social education functions and discovers novel communiquà © and imaginative endeavors. In overall, the use of social sites among students exhibit new literacy and reading practices. SNSs provide opportunities for the young people to learn different things online, and from friends thus becoming excellent readers (Christine Beth, 2009). This fourth article entails the experiences students show when writing and reading visual essays, which make use of images as opposed to texts. It explores how non restriction to words may improve one’s ability to gain skills in literacy work. The use of other elements of design such as audio, gestures, texts, and video equally impr ove a person’s ability to become a competent reader.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Problems of Reading and Literacy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article covers the how, what and when of the visual essays, experiences and how to teach them to improve reading and literacy (Janette Sarah, 2010). The pictures, lyrics and words used in visual essay enable the viewer to draw a conclusion of what the producer or the author implies. People will be so wiling to pay attention to video than they do to essays. This means that the use of visual elements in communicating a point will have an enormous impact because people are lazy in reading, and will want to interpret what the visual element is about. The article concluded that students using visual essays are able to develop essay skills fast. The choice of appropriate visual essay for different groups is a challenge. Ruthanne and Tobin investigat ed what teachers can use to cope up with varying needs of the students to learn in Grade 2/3 classrooms. Teachers are aware of the discrepancy in literacy needs of the students, but many do not know how to offer different varieties to benefit all the students (Ruthanne Alison, 2008). Responsive literacy, literacy instructions and various organizational formats are the underpinning factors that bring the variations in literacy delivery. The overall goal of the paper was to help teachers develop a framework for combating instructional differentiations. It is also aimed at providing instructors and teachers with strategies of meeting literacy needs of diverse students. The study made use of a case study design using qualitative research to explore educational phenomenon in a genuine life circumstances. Some of the techniques found and proposed for increasing literacy in a diverse situation include differentiated instructions and appropriate response to the at-risk students during norm al classrooms. Differentiated instructions assist students in understanding and content application in literacy learning, and to choose the best option among different learning experiences. Other strategies include shared writing and reading, guided reading and setting up literacy centers with excellent texts. The sixth peer review article explores how teachers can improve their knowledge and experience. This is anticipated to help children develop enthusiasm and motivation towards reading among the less fortunate in literacy. Teachers should be readers for themselves thus developing and sharing experiences, acknowledging families, community, and considering reading like pleasure (Teresa et al,. 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The research revealed that personal engagements enable them to recognize the nature of reading and what is entailed of being a reader, hence acting as reading models for their students. The process permits teachers to widen the dexterity of teaching for pedagogic understanding and subject knowledge mutually sanction professional performance. When teachers gain such a vast experience in reading, they are able to understand the reading and literacy needs of children in class. Teachers should, therefore, be encouraged to do inclusive and objective reading both at primary and secondary level so as to cope up with the changing needs of the students. This article analyses how some controlled situations can improve reading and literacy among children and pupils. The program is called Head Start, a research-based development informed, which an enriched intervention is focusing on socio-emotional abilities, literacy skills and language development. It involves teachers using research-based i nstructional equipment and teaching modes whose aim was to improve child talent attainment. The program contains a detailed curriculum for the teachers equipped with exemplary teaching practices (Bierman, K. et al, 2008). Children in the intervention program had improvement in literacy and reading. Properly structured curriculum and improved teaching techniques can improve performance in children towards achieving literacy. The eighth article is about literacy patterns among the children who are excellent in mathematics but have learning difficulties. Lack of phonological abilities is common in children with reading difficulties. This article eases the information processing speed, auditory, visual and memory analysis. The ability of a person to tackle mathematics appropriately means that the person is creative, skilful and committed in completing the tasks. One of the difficulties children face is dyslexia which is a neurological complication and is constitutional in derivation (An ies, 2010) It presents with difficulties in spelling, written language and reading. Visual dyslexia pupils have visual problems while auditory dyslexia people have hearing problems. Children with difficulties experience difficulties in reading and writing, even though they are excellent in mathematics. Cathy Burnett explores the available understanding on the impacts of technology on literacy in the classroom. It employed the Green’s distinction on critical, cultural and operational scope of primary literacy. Print media is highly supported by its legacy and policies, but new technologies are preferred to supplement it. People should be able to understand what it entails like the usage, values, interactions and processes for successful applications in primary class literacy (Cathy, 2009). This last review focuses on adult literacy in a health care setting and its implications. Health literacy is a crucial factor that affects the communication in the process of cancer prognosi s, diagnosis and treatment among the adults. The study asserts that one out of five adults in America lack the obligatory literacy to communicate effectively in the society. It is observed that inadequate literacy complicate matters in the health facilities, hence leading to inappropriate decisions in cancer centers. Clients possessing poor health literacy present problems both in written and spoken communication. It is also cumbersome to identify people with literacy deficiency because some hide it to their family members and to the physicians (Terry, 2006). The problem manifests mostly when the consent is required from the patient since they cannot understand the meaning of the paper. It is, therefore, recommended that adults with a deficiency in literacy be open to the service providers in all sectors, and literacy improvement centers be set up so that adults can improve their standards of literacy. Conclusion It is with no doubt that problems of reading and literacy are prevalen t in the society. Researches have been conducted to find solutions to some of these crosscutting issues. Literacy reviews majorly touch on pre-teenage and teenagers because this is the age that experiences difficulties in literacy. It is evident that the learning environment and health status of a person affects the literacy level of a person. Overall literacy and reading, which are used interchangeably, are affected by sociocultural factors in the society. References Anies, A. (2010). Perceptual skills and Arabic literacy patterns for mathematically gifted children with specific learning difficulties, British Journal of Special Education  · Volume 37  · Number 1, pp 26-37. 3 Beverly, P. Clare, W. (2009). Exploring Relationships between Traditional and New Media Literacies: British Preteen Texters at School. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication 14, pp 1108–1129. Bierman, K. et al., (2008). Promoting Academic and Social-Emotional SchoolReadiness: The Head Start R EDI Program, Child Development, Vol. 79, No.6, pp 1802 – 1817. Cathy, B. (2009). Research into literacy and technology in primary classrooms: an exploration of understandings generated by recent studies, Journal of Research In Reading, Vol. 32, Issue. 1, pp 22–37. Christine, G. Beth, R. (2009). Old Communication, New Literacies: Social Network Sites as Social Learning Resources. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14, pp 1130–1161. Jane, H. Kathy, S. (2007). Long-term outcomes of early reading intervention. Journal Of Research in Reading.Vol.30, Issue 3, pp 227–24. Janette, H. Sarah, T. (2010). Engaging students through new Literacies: the good, bad and curriculum of visual essays. Journal for English in Education, Vol. 44 No. 1, pp 5-23. Ruthanne, T. Alison, M. (2008). Accommodating differences: variations in Differentiated literacy instruction in Grade 2/3 classrooms. Literacy, Vol. 42, No. 1. Teresa, C. et al., (2009). Teachers as read ers: building communities of readers, Literacy, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp 11-18. Terry, C. (2006). Health Literacy and Cancer Communication. Cancer Journal for Clinicians Vol. 76, Issue 20. pp 134-149. This research paper on Problems of Reading and Literacy was written and submitted by user Kara Stanton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Perform the Dancing Gummi Bear Demonstration
How to Perform the Dancing Gummi Bear Demonstration Place a Gummi Bear candy into a test tube containing potassium chlorate and watch it dance amidst purple flames. This stunning demonstration is an example of a strongly product-favored reaction, plus its a lot of fun. Its easy and takes no time at all. What You Need Gummi bear candyPotassium chlorateLarge test tubeRing standBunsen burner or other heat sourceTongs Here's How Set up a large test tube over a heat source, such as a bunsen burner. Add a small amount of potassium chlorate to the test tube and heat it until it melts. The exact amount isnt important... aim for a small scoop.Using long-handled tongs, drop a Gummi Bear candy into the test tube.Its just that simple! The reaction between the sucrose in the Gummi Bears, potassium chlorate, and oxygen produces carbon dioxide, water, and potassium chloride. Tips Use proper safety precautions, including safety goggles and a lab coat. Be advised, the reaction is vigorous enough that the test tube may shatter. Adult supervision is required.The Instant Fire demonstration is very similar to the Dancing Gummi Bear demo.Another way to do this demonstration is to set the Gummi Bear on top of cold potassium chlorate. When you are ready to start the reaction, it can be initiated by adding a couple of drops of sulfuric acid to the contents of the test tube.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Make a Slushy Instantly With Soda and Supercooling
Make a Slushy Instantly With Soda and Supercooling Cool off and amaze your friends by making any soft drink or soda turn into a slushy on command. Heres how to do this fun and refreshing supercooled science project. Instant Slushy Materials Soft drinkFreezer Any soda or soft drink works for this, but it works especially well with 16-ounce or 20-ounce carbonated soft drinks. Its also easiest to use a beverage in a plastic bottle. If you dont have access to a freezer, you can use a large container of ice. Sprinkle salt on the ice to make it extra cold. Cover the bottle with the ice. Make a Soda Drink Slushy This is the same principle as supercooling water, except the product is more flavorful. Heres what you do with a carbonated soda, such as a bottle of cola: Start with a room temperature soda. You could use any temperature, but its easy to get a handle on how long it takes to supercool the liquid if you know your approximate starting temperature.Shake up the bottle and place it in a freezer. Do not disturb the soda while it is chilling or else it will simply freeze.After about three to three and a half hours, carefully remove the bottle from the freezer. Each freezer is a little different, so you may need to adjust the time for your conditions.There are a couple of different ways to initiate freezing. You could open the cap to release pressure, reseal the bottle, and simply turn the soda upside down. This will cause it to freeze in the bottle. You could gently open the bottle, releasing pressure slowly, and pour the soda into a container, causing it to freeze into slush while you pour. Pour the drink over an ice cube to get it to freeze. Another option is to slowly pour the soda into a clean cup, keeping it liquified. Drop a piece of ice into the soda to initiate freezing. Here, you can watch the crystals form outward from the ice cube. Play with your food! Try other drinks to see what works best for you. Note that some alcoholic drinks dont work for this project because the alcohol lowers the freezing point too much. However, you can get this trick to work with beer and wine coolers. Using Cans You can make instant slush in cans, too, but it is a bit trickier because you cant see what is going on inside the can and the opening is smaller and harder to crack without jarring the liquid. Freeze the can and very gently crack the seal to open it. This method may take some finesse, but it works. How Supercooling Works Supercooling any liquid is chilling it below its normal freezing point without turning it into a solid. Although sodas and other soft drinks contain ingredients besides water, these impurities are dissolved in the water, so they dont provide nucleation points for crystallization. The added ingredients do lower the freezing point of water (freezing point depression), so you need a freezer that gets well below 0 degrees C or 32 degrees F. When you shake up a can of soda before freezing it, youre trying to eliminate any large bubbles that could act as sites for ice formation.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 7
Assignment Example 2 At any time during the tax year, was any partner in the partnership a disregarded entity, a partnership (including an entity treated as a partnership), a trust, an S corporation, an estate (other than an estate of a deceased partner), or a nominee or similar person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . a Did any foreign or domestic corporation, partnership (including any entity treated as a partnership), trust, or taxexempt organization, or any foreign government own, directly or indirectly, an interest of 50% or more in the profit, loss, or capital of the partnership? For rules of constructive ownership, see instructions. If â€Å"Yes,†attach Schedule b Did any individual or estate own, directly or indirectly, an interest of 50% or more in the profit, loss, or capital of the partnership? For rules of constructive ownership, see instructions. If â€Å"Yes,†attach Schedule B-1, Information on Partners Owning 50% or More of the Partnership NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Own directly 20% or more, or own, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of the total voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote of any foreign or domestic corporation? For rules of constructive ownership, see instructions. If â€Å"Yes,†complete (i) through (iv) below . . . . . . . NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Own directly an interest of 20% or more, or own, directly or indirectly, an interest of 50% or more in the profit, loss, or capital in any foreign or domestic partnership (including an entity treated as a partnership) or in the beneficial interest of a trust? For rules of constructive ownership, see instructions. If â€Å"Yes,†complete (i) through (v) below . .NO 5 Did the partnership file Form 8893, Election of Partnership Level Tax Treatment, or an election statement under section 6231(a)(1)(B)(ii) for partnership-level tax treatment, that is in effect for this tax
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
E-Commerce Merchant Server Software Functionality And High Cost Of Essay
E-Commerce Merchant Server Software Functionality And High Cost Of Websites Maintenance - Essay Example E-commerce packages are intended to provide the functionality of time and money saving. However, the customization of websites cost a high amount. An E-Commerce suit is only reliable and robust in functionalities when it supports the different business models, reporting system and visual management tools. Additionally, the software packages also handle the direct payment transaction from customers or through the payment gateway. Merchant’s server software handles the sensitive information through a server socket secure layer (SSL) or digital certificates (Srikanth and Dhanapal 2012). Merchant Server Software is the essential component of the system that connects the web server for the order fulfilment, inventory and other systems in the offices. Main functions of the merchant server software include the processing of the payment, and exchange very critical information like payment authorization, tax, shipping, invoicing, and payment authorization. Other functionalities of a me rchant server are the database querying, web page composition in a real time, user profiling, and targeting of the contents based on the user’s interest and history. There are many open source software, which provide the functionality as a Merchant Server. Security is the priority-based requirement for every entrepreneur in the market. Buyers require the confidentiality for transactions via the credit cards. Shoppers are worried about fraudulent means of fake entrepreneurs. Security precautions can save the buyers from a big loss of money and preserve the business for the future. By adoption of fraudulent tactics, one can face the mistrust from customers and wrath of the companies issuing the credit cards. A secure shopping cart system provides the essential integration of payment transactions. Both, open source and licensed propriety software are available in the market (Richmond 2012). A shopping cart is embedded with the credit card verification. However, a third party ser vices like eBay or Etsy may be achieved for security of payment processing. PayPal is another third party, which charges a trivial fee and provides the secure in and out transactions for customers (Lagorio 2010). Why is a website so costly to maintain? Building a website also requires its maintenance. Regular updates and maintenance of a website leads to the extra cost. A company may cut the expenses by removing the intermediaries. Maintenance of a website requires the well skilled staff and trained people. A company launches the business via the website but there are no enough people who visit the website and purchase products. Website development and maintenance are the critical factors in order to attract the market shares and create loyal customers. Website maintenance encompasses all those activities, which are necessary for the operational integrity of a website. The cost of keeping the website operational and current depends on the complexity and size of the website. A well d esigned requires a high cost of maintenance because it requires effective updates (Avila-Weil and Regan 2007). Another factor that determines the maintenance cost of a website includes that how many times features require to be updated. A business owner estimates the length of the time required for updating the features. A static website needs to be updated weekly or monthly that requires less cost than maintenance of the interactive product catalogue. Nature of business also impacts the maintenance cost of a website. For example, an e-commerce website requires
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Automobile and Cycling Essay Example for Free
Automobile and Cycling Essay Cycling is one of the oldest means of transport. Inventing bicycles was an enormous step in the history of transportation. Bicycles didn’t need horses or wains as a result transportation became much simpler and cheaper. Moreover the previously smelly and dirty towns turned into healthier and cleaner places. Nowadays, however, when there are several faster ways of travelling, is there any reason to ride a bicycle? Although in our more technologically developed days bicycle are rather old-fashioned way of travelling, it has certain advantages. To begin with, bicycles are much cheaper than cars and motorcycles so that a lot of people can afford to buy them. Moreover, cycling is a great, physically demanding sport. As a result it could be an essential part of a healthy lifestyle or even a balanced diet. If people used it only for go to work or school it would provide them enough movement to avoid weight problems. Finally cycling is very environmentally friendly because it doesn’t need fuel or electricity. On the other hand cycling as a mean of transport does have its disadvantages. It usually takes longer than other forms of travel. As a result it can be more tiring. In addition, riding a bicycle in the city can be a little unhealthy. Cities’ air is very polluted because cars and factories exhaust a lot fume and chemicals. Furthermore cycling can be dangerous also. In the heavy traffic violent and careless car drivers often cause accidents and if we aren’t enough careful we can easily get hurt. All things considered, although there are some disadvantages of cycling I believe it is healthier and more enjoyable than driving a car. It can be dangerous but it is a perfect method to keep ourselves fit. Furthermore, in our crowded cities travelling by bicycle often the fastest way to reach our destination.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gender Equity :: Economics
Gender Equity Gender equity is a very important subject matter that teachers must deal with in the classroom. As I taught at RAA middle school some differences begin to stand out between the genders. One thing that popped out at me the most was the maturity level of the two. In saying that I mean the sexual desires of the students at their age. That is important for teachers to see for when we begin to group students together for activity. One instance is that of boxing out in basketball. The skill calls for the one boxing out to push out with their butts against the other player. This at the middle school level is not appropriate for the girls and boys to interact in. Their hormones just a little too much. Another difference I noticed was the desire of guys to be with guys and girls to be with girls. This had nothing to do with attraction but dealt with the misunderstanding of skill level. The men perceive the women to be inferior in sports skills so in their group they want guys. The men seem to rather have the least skilled guy over the best skilled girl. I feel they do this because it would be embarrassing for them to be shown up by a girl. So it is our job, as teachers, to do away with this stereotype, and make both genders understand they can benefit skill wise from mix gender activities. In the elementary level the major difference was the age-old argument that girls nasty and guys nasty. The girls definitely do not want to be paired with guys and vice versa. In elementary it had nothing to do with skill level but everything to do with just the gender. I remember putting a boy with a girl at Buck Lake and it was like I had made a kid eat peas for the first time. So the difference in elementary and middle school is just the reason why the boys don't want to be paired with girls. So in noticing that I feel that yes I was biased at the elementary level and I figure I did that because I really wanted to keep the interest up. I noticed that the one time I paired different genders the productivity of the boy went down. I guess that scared me so I shied away from it, but now looking back maybe I should have paired them up. The students will have to learn one day that the two genders can work together to accomplish a goal and what better time than in elementary.
Monday, November 11, 2019
My Childhood Essay
When I started pre-school, I found it difficult to speak English because I spoke Chinese at home. I was distracted and frightened when I attended school in our Los Angeles neighborhood, and crime was a constant concern for us. It worried my parents to see that I was losing interest in school, so they moved me to Chino Hills after I finished 7th grade to live with my sisters, hoping that the environment would be a better place for me. The different atmosphere I was in changed my perspective on education. The students in Chino Hills are very competitive in their academic pursuits which motivated me to try harder and work up to my potential. The realization that a different environment can make a huge difference brought much confidence to me; I began developing better judgment and making better decisions toward my education. As I approached high school, I was beginning to understand the importance of an education. Although my parent’s remarks about school were simply for me to behave, I knew they also wanted me to have a good educational opportunity. My first year as a freshman in high school was difficult for me; it became evident that I didn’t know how to manage my time. As every con has a pro, I knew that time management was no exception. Mastering the art of time management can reap great rewards, and by ignoring it I found myself facing great disappointment with my grades. At the end of the day, I tried to reflect on my performance and soon realized I have accomplished little. In my sophomore year of high school, I began to manage my time more wisely and took my education more seriously, and realized that it did not take much to use time management in an efficient manner; but the rewards were fulfilling because my grades had greatly risen. My course work and grades became obvious to me that I still had trouble managing my time. I soon started to decompose my goals, making it possible to tackle them one step at a time and realized as I progressed, my time management bettered. During my junior year, Procrastination was the biggest barrier to time management I had to face. I found it difficult at times to start working; however, I realized not working was related to the fear of poor results than it is to the actual difficulty of the work. My junior year gave a spark to my life; it helped me create a target to aim for, which is to attend a top 4 year University and pursue my dreams in the medical field.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Brokenness Into Beauty
Convergys is one of the world's leading providers of customer care, human resources and billing outsourcing services. The company's business is divided into several units, Customer Care, Business Support Systems (BSS) and HR Services. Customer Care, the largest of the subdivisions, offers customer service care services for businesses through 77 contact centers as of June 2008. In fact, Convergys is the No. 1 provider of outsourced customer service in the world and the clear market leader in the United States, with 8 percent of the outsourced customer care market (or more han twice as much as its closest competitor).HR Services provides employee care services to some 1. 2 million employees in 40 countries in areas such as benefits and payroll operations, staffing and training. With BSS, Convergys manages telecommunications billing and business support system software for large communications companies around the world. As a leader in customer management for over 30 years, Convergys is uniquely focused on helping companies find new ways to enhance the value of their customer relationships and deliver consistent customer experiences across all channels and geographies.Every day their 75,000 employees help their clients balance the demands of increasing revenue, improving customer satisfaction, and reducing overall cost using an optimal mix of agents, technology, and analytics. Their actionable insight stems from handling billions of customer interactions annually for our clients. Among Fortune 500 companies, over half of the top 50 are clients that trust their most important relationships to Convergys. Convergys has approximately 89,000 employees in 68 customer contact centers and other facilities in India, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, United States, Canada, CostaRica, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. In the western United States, Convergys uses a business model that offers entry-level customer-service work at pay not much above minimu m wage, geared toward students and other beginning-level workers. It pays generous tuition reimbursement for enrolled students, and seems prepared to manage the turnover rates that such a comparatively mobile†one could say ‘restless'†workforce tends to cause. Large numbers of especially first- and second-year employees leave its ranks.As a result, Convergys is virtually always hiring and training phone center workers. Convergys as recently been phasing out the staff of their call centers in the United States, and increasing staffing in their Pune/Bangalore/Manila call centers. This reduces the salary and benefits cost, which should prove to increase revenue. Unfortunately this has not helped the stock prices. Convergys develops detailed training programs for these new employees, and offers good supervisor support for front-line call center workers dealing with customer problems.Convergys recruits a significant portion of its call center, chat & email support staff from India and the Philippines. The business of this company is centered around labor cost arbitrage. Not possessing any other significant strength may work against this company in the long term. As tar as short-term prospects go this company seems well positioned to profit. Convergys claims to be highly flexible when it comes to client relationships. They offer to come up with the best possible solution in every possible situation.Convergys Mission: Provide Customer Relationship Management software and services that create valuable relationships between our clients and their customers. Convergys Vision: Convergys will be the recognized global leader in innovative Customer Relationship Management solutions, and: Provide for our clients: Leading-edge products and services that offer a compelling value and create a competitive edge. Create for our employees: An environm
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Good And Evil In Shylock
While attempting a successful character analysis of Shylock, one must decide if he is ultimately good or bad. After careful reading and rereading of this play, some readers may still moat still not feel comfortable giving him a definite label of either good or bad, victim or villain. If a reader is set on giving Shylock a clear-cut label, he will be giving himself quite a challenge. Readers may find aspects of both good and bad in Shylock’s character. While he looks worse in some situations then he does in others, even when he appears to be at his worst, readers can find justification for his actions and sympathize with his character. However, readers must be careful not to overlook some of his bad characteristics that may have been avoided despite the situation. In the end, one cannot make a definite judgment on the character of Shylock. He seems incapable of being consistently good or bad. He mistreats people, but they mistreat him as well. He shows contempt for peo ple of a different, but they do irreversible damage to his life as well. He demands the flesh of another man, but the other man steals his flesh and blood in a veil of deception. He shows little mercy, but no mercy is shown to him. So, how does one properly analyze a man who, throughout the play, is reduced to the status of less than a man? The answer is carefully, showing both the good and the bad aspects of his character. One must argue for and against Shylock’s integrity throughout the progress of the play. Throughout the play, Shylock repetitively mistreats three characters. First, there is Launcelot, his disloyal servant. Launcelot claims, â€Å"[†¦] I am famished in his service†(II. i. 94). Launcelot begs to leave the service of the ‘Jew’ and become a servant to Bassanio. Shylock also mistreats his own daughter, Jessica. He orders her around, showing little care for her happiness, appearing to be an inattentive father. On one hand, Shyloc... Free Essays on Good And Evil In Shylock Free Essays on Good And Evil In Shylock While attempting a successful character analysis of Shylock, one must decide if he is ultimately good or bad. After careful reading and rereading of this play, some readers may still moat still not feel comfortable giving him a definite label of either good or bad, victim or villain. If a reader is set on giving Shylock a clear-cut label, he will be giving himself quite a challenge. Readers may find aspects of both good and bad in Shylock’s character. While he looks worse in some situations then he does in others, even when he appears to be at his worst, readers can find justification for his actions and sympathize with his character. However, readers must be careful not to overlook some of his bad characteristics that may have been avoided despite the situation. In the end, one cannot make a definite judgment on the character of Shylock. He seems incapable of being consistently good or bad. He mistreats people, but they mistreat him as well. He shows contempt for peo ple of a different, but they do irreversible damage to his life as well. He demands the flesh of another man, but the other man steals his flesh and blood in a veil of deception. He shows little mercy, but no mercy is shown to him. So, how does one properly analyze a man who, throughout the play, is reduced to the status of less than a man? The answer is carefully, showing both the good and the bad aspects of his character. One must argue for and against Shylock’s integrity throughout the progress of the play. Throughout the play, Shylock repetitively mistreats three characters. First, there is Launcelot, his disloyal servant. Launcelot claims, â€Å"[†¦] I am famished in his service†(II. i. 94). Launcelot begs to leave the service of the ‘Jew’ and become a servant to Bassanio. Shylock also mistreats his own daughter, Jessica. He orders her around, showing little care for her happiness, appearing to be an inattentive father. On one hand, Shyloc...
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Review Of The Slumdog Millionaire English Literature Essay
A Review Of The Slumdog Millionaire English Literature Essay It’s about a boy who wins one hundred million ruprees on a quiz and he knows the answer to every single question because he every story of his life is an answer to one question. The story is about Ram Mohammed Thomas, the night after he took part to a quiz Who Will Win A Billion he gets arrested. they think he might have cheated because he had all the answers right, but they can’t find any proof. The police tortures him but he doesn’t confess. While they are torturing him a woman walks in on them and claims to be his lawyer. She takes him to her house and he tells her his story by every question he answered. Ram is born in Faharganj where his mother abandoned him and left him for a door of a church in Delhi. He grows up with father Timothy the priest. He learns him to read and speak English. He learns the Christian religion and what is inscribed on a cross. This is the answer to the second question. When father Timothy dies Ram goes to a orphan home in Delhi. He re he meets Salim, he becomes best friends with him. One day they make a field trip to a circus. They meet up with a fortune teller and he sees bad luck for Ram and gives him a lucky coin. One day a man (Maman) comes to pick out one outstanding boy from the orphan house. He comes every year and the children think you get to go to a good school and become rich. He picks Salim, but the owner of the orphan house will only give him Salim if he takes Ram too. So the man takes them. They go to Mamans house and get a good room and food three times a day. But there are only kids with disabilities. Kids who miss a leg or can’t see. Maman thinks that Salim can sing really good and he gives him a teacher for singing. They learn one song in particular. When they found out that Maman tortures the kids and amputates legs so the kids make more money on the street they ran away. This is the answer to the fourth question. What is the name of the song. when they ran away from Maman they know w here to go. One boy told them he got money from a nice actress if he hadn’t got enough money for Maman and she needed a maid. So they go to her house but she can only apply one maid so she picks Ram and rents a chawl for Ram and Salim nearby. The woman (Neelima Kumari) was a really good actress with lots of awards. She showed him every movie and award. After a while Ram moves in with her so he could do more work he also had to cook. One day Neelima asks him to go to the chawl for one night. Ram knows that she is meeting with a man. He wants to meet him so he goes to her apartment but stay outside. When the lover comes out Ram takes a look and goes inside and finds Neelima all beaten up and has burned cigarette hulls on her breast. This story gives him the answer to the tenth question: what is the highest award Neelima Kumari has won?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Alcohol abuse in the college age population in Massachusetts Research Paper
Alcohol abuse in the college age population in Massachusetts - Research Paper Example rial, (Journal of American College Health, Promoting psychosocial adjustment and stress management in first-year college students: the benefits of engagement in a psychosocial wellness seminar). The world today has faced great challenges in getting long lasting solutions to solve alcohol abuse. This paper will critically evaluate measurable goals that can be implemented by widely spreading knowledge on effects of alcohol abuse. This paper will elaborate on the important roles public health nurse has on families, college students and perplexed parents. The quest for informed decision making in our colleges is a gap that has remained unfilled for several years now and the community in general. The paper will shed light on health problems, risks of certain terminal illnesses and alcohol dependence. In any given institution, the role of a qualified public health nurse is very important. Parents send the children to learning institutions with an aim to develop and nurture talents. This might not be the case if proper management is not put in place. Alcoholism has robbed off our youth’s potential and put the energies down the drain. With the aid of a public health nurse, our students in the institutions can benefit from the vast knowledge of a public health nurse. The main roles will to teach and provide all relevant information to the students to acquire on the side effects of alcohol, (Journal of Community Health, 2005 Alcohol Response and Consumption in Adolescent Rhesus Macaques: Life History and Genetic Influences Alcohol). The public health nurse will be of great importance in promoting healthy life styles. The nurse has the mandate to interpret relevant information to the students, families and the entire community. By so doing, the nurse will be in a better position to explain terms and the issues pertaining to alcohol intake and the pro and cons of the use of the substance. A valid example would be the public nurse will explain to the students the many
Thursday, October 31, 2019
What did Machiavelli claim it is better for the Prince to be-feared or Essay
What did Machiavelli claim it is better for the Prince to be-feared or loved- and why Why is this important for later political thought - Essay Example Whereas punishing or execution harm only the person who commits crimes, crime that goes unpunished harms the whole community by causing disorders. Therefore for the sake of the betterment of an entire community, the individual who commits crimes should not go unpunished. (Laine 90-94) Yet since punishment or execution has a close association with cruelty and brutality, a prince must carefully temper it with prudence and humanity. Indeed a prince’s strict adherence to the executions of crimes contributes to the conjuration of his image as one who champions laws and punishes disorder. Machiavelli claims that it is better for a price â€Å"to be feared than loved†, though ideally he should be both â€Å"love and feared†(Machiavelli 45). When a prince cannot both be loved and feared, it is â€Å"much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with†(Machiavelli 45). In support of his position, Machiavelli argues that people in general are â€Å"ungrateful, fickle, dissembling, anxious to flee danger, and covetous of gain.†(Machiavelli 45). When the prince is far away from dangers, they will show their eagerness to sacrifice their lives for him. But when the prince is in real dangers, they will abandon him; even they will turn against him, as Machiavelli notes, â€Å"they will offer you their blood, property, life and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you†(Machiavelli 45). According to him, breaking the bond of love at odd times is mu ch easier than a bond of fear, friendships and love can be earned by payments. In this regard, Machiavelli says, â€Å"men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails†(Machiavelli
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (SLP) Essay
Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (SLP) - Essay Example Moreover, constant review of data and information security conducted by the company is also an important part of the Information Security Policies of OSF ([1] OSF Healthcare, 2013). Hence, it can be stated that the Information Security Policies of OSF Healthcare is quite well developed being in alignment with the strategic goals of the organization. Information Security Policies and Measures of OSF Healthcare OSF has implemented certain crucial measures with regard to ensure confidentiality, availability and reliability of data and information related to operational activities of the organization. For instance, OSF has taken the initiative to maintain secrecy of the personal information of the patients they serve in front of any unauthorized party. Furthermore, the company also ensures optimum security in its computer database as well as memory storages of other communication networks, in order to protect all the confidential information related to the operations of the organization and the people they serve. The organization is further tied up with well known and leading data warehousing services providers, i.e. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), that is entitled to look after each and every aspect of data and information storage related operations of the organization. ... ross-Community Access (XCS) system that enables it to ensure availability of the data related to patients throughout its various other branches with utmost convenience and security. Hence, it can be stated that this measures or approaches of the company strengthen information security and sensitivity altogether by facilitating data disbursement and simultaneously, preserving information security (Informatics Corporation of America, 2013; OSF Healthcare, n.d.). The ways through which OSF could protect from the loss of its data and steps to make sure that data remains accessible in the event of a catastrophe Protection of Data Lost Losing any important information or data from the data base and other data storage system might significantly impact the operations of OSF, hindering its strategic goal to suffice the medical needs of the patients within due time and involving minimum costs. To mitigate such situations, OSF has adopted many strategies, as described above. Apart from those, t he organization could adopt certain measures that might deliver effective and noteworthy results regarding the concerned issue. For instance, EDW, which is responsible for managing all the data recorded by OSF, should ensure multiple powers and battery back-ups, which are accounted to be the most common causes of data loss. Regular data backups is also another basic and effective measure that EDW could implement in order to mitigate data loss from system failures or other incidents (Knox, McNitt & Westman, 2013). Steps To Ensure Security of Data and Information from Catastrophic Event Data and information of any organization remains in constant threat from various external and internal agents, like unauthorized access and other distortions when transmitting information. However, the threat
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Classical hollywood systems
Classical hollywood systems ABSTRACT: The main objective of this course work is to provide various similarities and differences in the classical Hollywood systems. The classical version of the Hollywood studio systems are roughly between 1910 and 1960. Though its the longest period to evaluate, the films between 1930 and 1949 are considered. There are huge number of studios are present in the Hollywood cinema where only few studios exist from the beginning. The two major film studios are UNIVERSAL STUDIOS and WARNER BROTHERS. In this project, these 2 studios are analyzed in detail. In particular their studio systems, similarities and differences in their style of film making. WARNER BROTHERS: Warner bros studios were found by four brothers harry warner, Albert warner, Sam warner and jack warner. The four brothers were Jews emigrated from Poland. They started the business by having a own projector. The projector was used for the exhibition business. The first theater was opened in Pennsylvania in 1903. In the initial stage, they begin to produce some ordinary movies to bag success. Getting successful response from the people warner brothers started thinking differently with sound, color and style. The movies produced before are soundless motion pictures. This sound movies was the idea gave by the youngest Sam warner. Initially the request was not been accepted by harry. But to produce movie at different area, the request was acknowledged. Screen play was the division which was concentrated more by the warner brothers. Their ultimate goal was to explicate the art of screenplay in classical Hollywood cinema. Warner brothers divided the studio system into various tasks such as directing, sound, cinematography, art direction, story acquisition and editing. The screenplay was further divided into discrete tasks such as synopsis, treatment continuing, shooting script conclusion. These categories are evenly distributed among three writers while a writer can easily concentrate on a particular field. 1930 to 1950 is the golden period for warner brothers. Because they categorized the motion pictures into various genres. Such as Crime Gangster Horror-detective-murder Comedy Womens films Western Musical War Social drama Prestige movies. To illustrate important variations in narrative form each and every category was chosen. The gangster movies were produced based on the social problems. The myth of success was the first influence defined America as an open classless society. The second influence was the boss politics and the third influence was prohibition. Some example for the successful gangster movies are 1931-Little Caesar 1931-Public enemy 1932- Scarface 1933- Blondie Johnson. Considering the first category, James Cagney dominated the genre during 1930s. In the second category dark streets, bars, clubs, penthouse apartments and some stations are shown as a genres vital part. The third category shows the gangster as a modern city man and holds most of the parts on his own. The myth of the G-Man is the movie which enforces the stiffer production code. This major turn back is considered to be the second cycle of gangster pictures. In 1936, bullets or ballots shows the same gangster movie but shown in a different context such as the hero joins the gang and works as an undercover and destroys the gang. As far as social dramas, the black fury was the first movie which has been released in the year 1935. This movie reveals the dramatized labor and industrial unrest. Basically social dramas fells into three categories. They are social consciousness, yellow journalism and working mens movies. The social dramas as a production strategy was eclipsed by problems of greater concern during the 1940s as America entered World War II. The next genre is musical movies. Warner brothers produced all kind of movies in a certain time span. The first musical movie was produced in 1926. Jazz singer was the first musical movie which was directed by Alan Crosland. In 1928, the singing fool was created by warner brothers. As a variation of the gangsters genre, warner brothers potentially find a perfect formula as crime movies. Warner uses the same stars as gangster movies as well as crime movies. Among crime movies, prison pictures are very popular. The first groups of prison movies were produced during 1930s and 1933s. The second group of crime movies in 1936. Alcatraz Island in a movie with more action sequences and was a good tough movie. The next important genre was war movies in which warner brothers concentrated more because of spirit. From 1915 to 1970 warner brothers created more and more war movies which virtually shows the American fighting as determined, brave and successful. After the first world war, the war genre enters the outbreak of hostilities in Europe. These movies depicts Tolerance to intolerance Progressivism to reaction Pacifism to militarism. During the interval between the two world wars, warner started producing patriotic movies with admiration. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS: The toughest competition for warner brothers during their production is universal studios. Universal pictures concentrated on a very few genre movies such as Womens movies Detective movies Horror movies Western movies. Though womens movies are consigned to a very minor status and not all the studios took risk in producing such movies. This genre movies was mostly produced between 1935 and 1950. These years gave more womens movies in which all credit goes to universal studios. The womens films antecedents are found at melodrama and these genres were not developed until 1920s. The genre appeared to be different in various studios. In 1940, universal studios decide to develop some noir womens film. This second phase was considered to be an amalgamation of the personal taste of universal pictures. Some elements sustains womens films. They are Flashback sequences Cynical themes Voice over narration Realistic action Lighting techniques and Expressionistic camera. Universal studios now have the thought about horror movies. Dracula and Frankenstein were the movies which attains a greater success during thirties. Then the company begins to unleash the mummies and werewolves. These horror movies begin to haunt the people. This encourages directors and the universal studio to create various monsters based movies with completely different thought. Mystery of the wax museum was a sequel and it is a modern horror film. During these productions, some original stories are planned to make as a movie. These kind of plans gave some good movies to Hollywood cinema which are even perfect in the present technical world. During the thirties, detective movies did some good service to not only film producers and the audiences as well. Sherlock Holmes did the job to universal pictures whereas the thin man series for MGM. Sherlock Holmes becomes a model for all directors for making a detective movie. Aiming at juvenile audiences, universal pictures produces a lot of Nancy drew and torchy blane movies. Nearly nine movies were represented by torchy blane who stars with Glenda Farrell. On the other hand, the Nancy drew series were starred by Bonita Granville which was adopted from a novel of Carolyn Keene. There are four movies in this series and all were directed by the same person William Clemens. Murder movies are the next front line genre which attains success because of the thrilling and mystery sequences present in the movie. Western movies are the most richest and enduring genre in Hollywood. It consists of a heroic story with some visual elements and narrative formats. The only genre whose life span is long is the western movies. Even though the genre face a strong set back due to the lack of technical factors. SIMILARITIES: We have discussed about various genres and movies in the previous sections. Those films are produced in two different studios and they possess different qualities. Now let us discuss the common factors that these studios possess and how these factors made them common. Filmmakers developed formal methods that made shooting relatively quick and easy: Shoot whatever scenes are most economical to shoot at a given time (shoot out of Sequence when necessary) Cover any given sequence from as many different angles as possible and with multiple Takes of each angle to give the producer and editor a lot of material to choose from Edit the material to create linear continuity, cut on movement, and keep eyeliners matched (Maintaining the direction a person is gazing from one shot to another). Among various genres, both universal studios and warner brothers pictures use some common genre movies. War, musical, women, western, horror is some of the common genres. Cross cutting is a vital device used for continuity style. This technique was used by both the studios. The main objective of this technique is to increase the tension during narration. Meanwhile is a simple narrative technique which is literary equivalent to cross cutting. The cross cutting technique used for the story line at the time of introducing two leading characters in a movie and intriguing way. The next common aspect is point of view shot. In this technique, editing is important device used by filmmakers to create good audience identification with the film characters. It replaces the audience in place of main character in the movie. This technique is common for the horror genre in which the director often places the viewer within the viewing position of the monster. The next similarity will be cinematography. The key feature in this technique is three point lighting. These classical studios are the good example of three point lighting. In order to light the subject, key, fill and back lights are used. Three point lighting scheme is the commonly used lighting scheme and it helps us to enable and understand how lighting gives good effect on ones perception of a character. The key light is used as a common source of illumination. Even though another light will be needed. So in order to cover the areas of darkness and to soften the shadows, the key light contains cast. It is called as fill light which is a secondary source. The combination of key and fill light should be supplemented further. The back light which is the third source provides necessary depth and placed above and behind the subject. High key and low key lighting are the common divisions of the lighting techniques. These are some similarities between the two studios. DIFFERENCES: The two studios namely warner brothers and universal pictures had some similarities. But they possess some differences too. Some common differences are Setting Props Costume, Hair and Make-Up Movement, Positioning and Performance Lighting and Cinematography. Settings are mostly backgrounds but they are integral to atmosphere creation and narration building in a movie. In some rare cases, a location or building can be considered as a character in the movie itself. Props are the objects which can be viewed within the movie world. it also forms some integral part in the action of the film. It also carries some symbolic meaning. Costume and makeup plays a vital role in a scene because it can provide immediate sense and their status in the movie. They also give an instant idea of what period that the film is set. Movement, performance and positioning of characters within a frame is important for both characterization and narration in a film. Positioning can be utilized as an indicator for people relationships. Performance includes the expression coming from the actors face and body language. The feelings and emotions can be identified through performance. These are some common factors that these film makers differs in their way and let us see some more technical factors in which they differ while making movie. Camera framing: There are 3 key areas in camera framing. They are shot type, camera positioning and camera angle. Shot type refers to the positioning and distance between the camera and its subject. Camera positioning indicates the presence of the camera. High angle and low angle are the two camera angles. Camera movement: panning, crane, tilting, zooming and tracking are the divisions in camera movement. In panning, cameras move from side to side. Crane is used for lifting cameras which will be mounted on it. Tilting makes camera move up and down from fixed axis. These are the key areas in which both the studios differs in film making. CONCLUSION: After discussing about various factors, it is clear that not all the aspects are same for all the studios. Warner brothers involved in many film productions in different genres. But the universal studios produce few genre movies. This essay clearly gives the information about the key principles in film making and their efforts to bring their thoughts to screen. Later on, we discussed about the similar facts that these two studios possess. There is some technical differences in implementing them. REFERENCES: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=vq=cache:ySBtrN746HQJ:www.digitalfilmarchive.net/clda/moving_image_arts/film_lesson_plans/documents/ALLlessonplans.pdf+classic+hollywood+cinema+stylehl=engl=ukpid=blsrcid=ADGEESjPLijkM8_RBqQ3o0l7ZexF-Rq7DNB1dhjvn37r0ijZPrIS7rDvR1ljfjXEb9CDnHfZXo4bE8MqmUEj9Ivk6b-yaV-Y2YnQuVm_CXNQRiB-ALlq9FwyIPdC-qS4CaJPHVh2Cj7msig=AHIEtbSCneArhSdp0RNFHyFA0YZt9B8Kqg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Studios http://microformguides.gale.com/Data/Introductions/20560FM.htm http://www.filmreference.com/encyclopedia/Criticism-Ideology/Genre-THE-CLASSIC-STUDIO-SYSTEM.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_Hollywood_cinema http://www.fathom.com/course/10701053/index.html http://screen.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pdf_extract/27/6/74 http://www.uoregon.edu/~jlesage/Juliafolder/CLASSICALNARRATION.HTML http://knol.google.com/k/classical-hollywood-cinema-film-style-analysis-of-the-crowd# http://www.umsl.edu/~gradyf/film/classhollnarr.htm
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